Today at 1:00 AM
At UFOM we have made new discoveries that will change your basic thesis and probably in a positive way. The discovery is that photons are the visible out of matrix (out of close proximity mater) electromagnetic disturbances that 1. carry no energy and 2.have no mass and 3. no wave like properties. those are all properties of the detection mass what ever it is and what it is can be found in two known realms which are the periodic table (all of which were discovered using electromagnetism starting with electrolysis) and with the newer spectrum that is the electro magnetic spectrum via the spectral lines/ mass spectrometry. Once you recalibrate your basic definitions then all photons are Marely code set though space and if you like time too. as for space, well we redefine it as having no metrics. there is no grid throughout the universe to bend as in an Einstein relativity thought experiment.
So when you talk about programs well we are talking about the same thing only programs that are a natural process . we think of synapse signals as being electric energy moving in the nerves and the brain ....reality is its just a coded electromagnetic disturbance with defined or programed parameters. that synaptic em behavior between closely existing atoms and molecules is exactly the same where different types of crystals precipitate in a medium at the right conditions....all code. code is everywhere in everything and when you change your definition of photons to meet the actual empirical nature of them you then can apply your wolfram applications in a most amazing new way. you can look up my proofs published on line though everything is pretty obvious. you can shine red yellow and blue light on a white wall and see white light from where they merge together but only if you have a white wall to project them on. if you have a red wall you won't see white necessarily. same is true with the young double slit experiment. we move the target detector wall and see we are projecting the shadows as well as the light and the interference is entirely necessarily in the protection wall not in the empty space between the double slit panel and the wall viewing are. the inference of interference of light in between is absurd. so you move to mass spectrometer lines and its the same thing. Code Code code. code is everywhere in the universe...not this matrix movie nonsense that's fantasy. all photons are broken code dark photons are the electro magnetic disturbances in mater form which they come from. same thing but the dark photons in mater between atoms in atoms and in molecules and between molecules are making things behave as they do and appear.
the real trick is knowing how photons that's light photons though empty space between masses can transfer energy when they carry no energy and the results are amazing and totally empirical and easy for anyone to duplicate and prove. the analogy to understand how photons transmit code with out carrying any energy at all as code is a car with a bowling ball in it that is moving 65 mph and the bowling ball receives a code from space the way a solar panel does and the bowling ball that has the velocity of the car suddenly comes to a stop. well it flies out the back window of the car. It is just the opposite of what happens when a bowling ball in the car without a seat belt moving at 65 mph with the car suddenly stops and flies though the front windshield. that proof works because of our radiometer experiments showing conclusively that the photons are not imparting anything like momentum when they strike a surface. they would if a mirrored surface was like a tennis ball hitting a racket where the racket first was pushed back and then reflected the ball by a kick back reaction. that's not what happens. that takes with reflection . hard to explain but also obvious. so photonic energy transfer is just taking momentum out of subatomic particles with code by slowing them down or stopping them Gamma rays stop the subatomic particles like a bowling ball most and that's what gives them the perceived energy transmission. that's not also get into probability which is right up the wolfram research alley. The proof is a bit more complicated going back to my oldest radiometer proof. so what I was calling thermodynamic properties of gravity is now just electromagnetism. yes gravity is also coded/ coding. it modifies all of physics as we know it again it is not a fantasy matrix movie code or a game but it is to say that dna is not so special in the universe. the whole universe is built of electromagnetic coding and a lot of that remains out there to discover. so when you see how material systems work in chemistry in everything and everyway they may not ber as complicated as DNA but the whole process is the same coding process at all levels....with crystals with ions and with the dynamics of physics. Once you realize that photons in and out of materials are a coding device everything makes ever more sense. Anyone who thinks that the sun is incapable of having consciousness with the properties observed there already with the high variable magnetic fields does not understand what my discovery is. a basic experiment to try is aiming one powerful laser against another in a vacuum ....nothing happens. put some material substatnce in between the two and you might get interference or apparent interactions.....that's key to understand there is coding and that gravity is as I discovered before comes form the loss of momentum of an object not from direct acceleration momentum, It is a all new relativity with much better empirical proofs.
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